Old Triang Wheels
Old course Triang drivers & power bogie wheels can be re-profiled & re-gauged to run on modern track (code 100 only)
This process is carried out using Scalespeed's house specialist tooling, giving your wheels a quality uniformed machined surface.
For a wheel re-profile we charge £5 per axle, if removed from the loco. If sending the whole loco we charge £5 per axle and a service charge starting at £20, as the loco has to come to pieces for this procedure it makes sense to give it a light service at the same time.
£5 per axel +p&p
(where just axles are sent for you to fit yourself)
£20 (from) per whole locomotive plus £5 per axle +p&p
Usually Traing locos dont need the centre drive wheels doing as they are flangeless, we only charge for the wheels which require the work. Bogies and pony trucks don't generally require reprofiling, but some early ones may, there can be variations.
(whole locomotive is required for this service, if sending just a chassis minus motor we would still require the couling rods so quatering can be reset)